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UK Network of UN Global Compact - the impact of Rio+20

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UK Network of UN Global Compact - the impact of Rio+20

The UK Network of the UN Global Compact will host an event on 5 September 2012 from 2pm-5pm in London.
The meeting will explore the success and outputs of Rio+20 beyond the intergovernmental negotiations. For those following the media coverage, the conference appeared to be a disappointment in terms of catalysing meaningful government action on sustainable development. But there was more to Rio than intergovernmental negotiations. 

The conference side events and various meetings preceding it - including the Global Compact Corporate Sustainability Forum (CSF) and the Business Action for Sustainable Development (BASD) Business Day - were ripe with value.  The CSF and the BASD Business Day even produced robust output documents of their own.
On 5 September, we want to provide a forum for those that attended Rio+20 to reflect on these underreported outcomes. Speakers will share their pre-conference expectations, outcomes achieved, and the next steps they are currently pursuing. 

We are delighted to announce our confirmed speakers:

  • Chris Whaley, Head of EU and International, Defra
  • Ramanie Kunanayagam, BG Group
  • Stephanie Maier, Aviva Investors
  • Sarah Nolleth, International Integrated Reporting Council & the Prince's Accounting for Sustainability Project
  • Oliver Greenfield, Green Economy Coalition
  • Andrew Cave, RBS 

To attend:

This event is free but spaces are extremely limited. You must therefore apply for a place by sending the following details to the UK Network of the Global Compact on

  • Your name
  • Organisation and position
  • Brief (2-3 sentences only) description of why you are interested in the Network and/or topic
  • Preference will be given to UNA-UK Young Professionals

The UK Network of the Global Compact will contact successful candidates with further details, including the venue.

Please do not contact UNA-UK directly about this event.