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General Service and related categories

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General Service and related categories

The General Service category includes jobs like administrative, secretarial and clerical support, trades jobs such electricians or drivers, building management, and a huge number of other roles across the UN’s 8 job networks.

The staff in General Service and related categories are usually drawn from the geographical area in which the vacancy is advertised. In general, staff members are not required to move between duty stations.

To apply for a position in this category, one must possess at least a high school diploma or equivalent, and work experience relevant to the job and its level. In addition, applicants will be required to pass the local entry-level Administrative Support Assessment Test (ASAT).

Other requirements and qualifications, such as language or accounting skills, are dependent on the job and the location of the office.

For further information on General Service and related categories, and to find vacancies visit the UN Careers website.

Photo: Ceremony for Long Service Staff, copyright UN Photo 27 October 2004.