Here are the campaign actions generated on the day:
Campaign action 1: Killer Robots
Policy aim: Ban the use of lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS) or ‘killer robots’
Desired outcome: Get my local MP to commit to raising the issue of defining human control within LAWS
Actions we will take: Email my MP, Defence Minister, Shadow Defence Minister, and the British representative at the UN. Create email template to help others send emails. Design a Twitter hashtag #committohumancontrol to use on social media pages
Resources: Time/cost neutral
Campaign name: AI for humanity, not war
Campaign action 2: Climate Change
Policy aim: Promote carbon literacy
Desired outcome: Improved climate change policy at local government level
Actions we will take: Promote meaning of Paris Agreement and promote understanding of climate change and impacts. Communicate with local authorities, politicians, schools and build an alliance with eco-schools. Engage with the University of the Third Age, develop a portfolio of presentations and create social pressure by highlighting climate change impact
Resources: Only people. Social media platforms, presentations, and community networking
Campaign name: Carbon Low Campaign
Campaign action 3: Atrocity Prevention
Policy aim: An atrocity prevention education programme that raise awareness, tackles denial, defines terminology
Desired outcome: Build partnerships with other organisations, engage with high schools and communities that are directly affected and enthuse teachers
Actions we will take: Collaborate with other atrocity prevention and genocide prevention organisations, the Department of Education, UNA-UK, National Union of Teachers, and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Education. Develop pilots and case studies to prove that it works and develop materials for teachers. Collaborate with UN interns to help support the initiative
Resources: Monitor impact
Campaign name: Citizens For Peace
Campaign action 4: Gender
Policy aim: To make all people in the Borough of Westminster aware of the options women have available for their future careers
Desired outcome: Creating a gender equal Westminster
Actions we will take: Build network of women on social media to gather more followers. Create videos of real successes to share with networks. Make contact with local groups, UNA-UK and United Nations. Take the campaign into schools, colleges and universities. Conduct review of impact and cost with a survey to follow up from previous year to measure success. Tie in to 12 November Equal Pay Day, International Women's Day on 8 March and Human Rights Day on 10 December
Resources: Conduct survey by Westminster Council with support from local councillor. Fundraising efforts which will support a steering board made up of 5 - 9 people. We will need accessibility and digital tools and a group of volunteers. We will produce newsletters to circulate information
Campaign name: Westminster Women Winning
Campaign action 5: Nuclear Disarmament
Policy aim: Abolition of nuclear weapons
Desired outcome: UK Government to sign and ratify UN treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons and attend any future meetings
Actions we will take: Ask public to sign petitions. Contact students from countries where treaty has been ratified to congratulate them - use social media to promote and encourage students to sign petition. Speak with the ambassadors from signatory countries and ask if they will speak to MPs. Contact MPs with interest in this issue. Use important days including the Hiroshima anniversay to raise awarenesss. Engage with the Royal United Services Institute.
Resources: Online/paper petitions, leaflets, videos and social media
Campaign name: Sign the treaty! Prohibit Nuclear Weapons
Campaign action 6: UN Peacekeeping
Policy aim: Raise awareness with school children and parents about the role of UN peacekeepers
Desired outcome: Create a wider pressure on the UK Government to support UN peacekeeping
Actions we will take: To create a campaign and identify pilot schools. Engage celebrities. Create introductory lessons on peacekeeping to engage children (potentially on peace day). Create a weekly 'peacekeeper' and an annual ‘champion’. Engage other youth groups (e.g. scouts)
Resources: Resource sheet on peacekeepers for parents, teachers and children and source peacekeeper badges
Campaign name: I’m a peacekeeper, are you?
Campaign action 7: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Policy aim: Put the Sustainable Development Goals at the heart of corporations, local and central government and institutions
Desired outcome: For institutions to produce reports on their progress achieving the SDGs. Set up a panel to evaluate those reports and to increase awareness of those evaluations by making them publicly available
Actions we will take: Create public awareness of the SDGs through social media campaigns and advertising. Approach institutions and organisations to find out what they’re doing to promote the SDGs. Offer training and consultancy (with NGOs and legal firms) on how organisations can achieve the SDGs. Produce surveys for organisations to self-evaluate
Resources: Funding, time (3-4 year goal), people, knowledge, expertise and motivation
Campaign name: Global Goals 2030
Campaign action 8: Arms Trading
Policy aim: Reduce UK arms trade sales to repressive regimes
Desired outcome: Increase in peace and security in previous conflict zones
Actions we will take: Set up an online petition. Establish constituency co-ordinators to lobby MPs. Increase online social media presence
Resources: Campaigners, constituency co-ordinators and campaign materials
Campaign name: #Killing4quids
These campaign plans were generated by participants and have not been refined. UNA-UK will follow up with each group with resources and support to help them take their ideas forward