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UNA Warwick & District: Sustainable Development Goals - "No one to be left behind"

event details

Event date
Event location Leamington Spa Baptist Church
Chandos Street
Leamington Spa

After tense negotiations, 193 countries have agreed the next set of development goals, which will seek to end poverty, achieve gender equality and ensure food security in very corner of the globe by 2030. Since 2012 the UN`s highly anticipated SDGs have been meticulously consulted on and negotiated over, and are due to be adopted by the world leaders at the UN in September. Billed as successor to the Millennium Development Goals, the zero draft`s 17 goals and 169 targets go far beyond the eight - much narrower - MDGs embarked upon in 2000.  

Universal in their scope, the SDGs are intended to transform not only the poorest nations but the world`s approach to its intractable social, economic and environmental problems.  If the `what` of the SDGs has been decided, then an upcoming UN summit must answer the `how`?  

Expected to finish off and build upon the work of the MDGs, the SDGs are ambitious in both their aims and scale. How will the SDGs reach those who were forgotten by the MDGs?  Left behind by unequal power structures which overlook the marginalised and the vulnerable, the success of the SDGs agenda will ultimately depend upon how it benefits the world`s most deprived people.

Guest Speakers: Dr Benjamin Richardson

Associate Professor in International Relations and Political Economy at University of Warwick, Dr Richardson’s research on the Sustainable Development Goals focuses on food and hunger. He is currently working on projects for the International Labour Organization, the European Trade Union Institute, and the European Centre for Development Policy Management.

Do come along and contribute to this important agenda. 

Ploughman`s Lunch and Coffee served £3.50 per head


Contact point for this event


Full Name

Mr Gian Clare


Telephone number

01926 338430



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