event details
Chandos Street
Leamington Spa
Disaster Management and Resilience
Education for disaster risk reduction: concepts and application.
Guest Speaker: Dr Yung-Fang Chen
Senior Lecturer in Disaster Management and Emergency Planning
Coventry University
Emergencies and disasters throughout the world – acts of terrorism, violence, public disorder, natural disasters and civil wars – are on the rise. So too is the demand for the professionals who can best manage or mitigate their impact.
Natural disasters and armed conflict have taken place since human existence throughout history. As the world faces an increasing number of natural and man-made disasters, the need for effective disaster management has become a global priority.
During the past decade or more 700,000 people lost their lives in disasters affecting 1.7 billion people and causing $1.4 trillion worth of damage, according to the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNSDR).
Dr Yung-Fang Chen will address the local UN Association and her talk will address the need for raising disaster risk awareness to the communities locally and internationally. A case study will be shared to see how Coventry University students have been helping out with the risk and awareness training globally.
Dr Yung-Fang Chen is Senior Lecturer in Disaster Management and Emergency Planning at Coventry University. The focus of her research is on the risk communication and methodology of planning and evaluating emergency/crisis response training and exercises. Her current projects include tasks for building community resilience, and pedagogy for disaster risk reduction education. She has been involved in community resilience building projects.
There will be a Ploughman`s Lunch and coffee/tea (£3.50 per head) from 12:00 pm till 2:15 pm and the meeting starts at 12:30 prompt.
Please do come along and bring a friend!
Please keep this date in your diary