event details
Leicester Street
Leamington Spa
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Friederike E. L. Otto
Senior Researcher and Scientific Coordinator
Environmental Change Institute
University of Oxford Centre for the Environment
Dr Friederike Otto is a scientist and her work research focuses on climate prediction, detection and attribution, as well as climate risk assessment and modelling of climate impacts. The Oxford Environmental Institute hosts the UK Climate Impacts Programme which promotes and enables adaptations in government and business.
Friederike works as Research Fellow in the ECI Global Climate Science Programme as the scienctific coordinator and works in particular with respect to extreme weather events,and attribution studies of extreme weather events. She is co-investigator of projects attributing impacts of extreme external climate drivers on extreme weather conditions around the world.
Some months ago the front pages of many newspapers around the world featured dire headlines on a story made public by the Report of the UN
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UNIPCC). "Climate change already affecting food supplies" announced The Guardian. "Worse is yet to come" noted The New York Times, "UN Panel: Global Worming worsens food and hunger problems" headlined the Associated Press.
Indeed the UN Climate Change report was a big news around the world. Few see the latest UN Report as foolish, because for the first time, the Report uses hard data to project the world we will leave our children and grandchildren if we continue our climate-changing carbon burning binge.
According to the Report: "combined with increasing food demand, will pose large risks to food security globally and regionally". Key message of the UNIPCC is that " the incidence of extreme weather conditions will continue and will have increasingly negative effects on crop and livestock productivity because critical thresholds are already being exceeded".
Dr Friederike Otto writes: "I will address the Warwick District UNA on climate change, specifically about extreme events and the scientific evidence on how climate change effects their frequency and magnitude."
Contact point for this event
Gian Clare
01926 338430