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UNA Warwick & District: Annual General Meeting with guest speaker Martin Nthakomwa

event details

Event date
Event location Leamington Spa St Paul`s Church (Lounge)
Leicester Street
Leamington Spa

Is the International Community Donor Fatigue?”

Programme Manager and Lecturer in International Disaster Relief and Community Construction
Department of International Relations/ Centre for Peace & Reconciliation, University of Coventry.

Mr Martin Nthakomwa will address the local UN Association on his experiences of working with and research on international emergencies, humanitarian relief operations, international disaster response and recovery, migration and internally displaced people and refugees, peacekeeping and peace building and fund raising and marketing for relief and development. Martin has experience of seeing the logistics involved in delivering aid to disaster areas and the operations at work of the UN`s World Food Programme (WFP), UNHCR, UNICEF, Tear Fund and other major relief agencies.

We have acquired an excellent Speaker in Martin and he will give an over-view of his work on international disaster relief via power point presentation.

Please do come along and bring a friend – there will be Ploughman`s Lunch & Coffee as usual £3.50 per head. Look forward to seeing many of you and thank you for your support over the year.

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