event details
Leamington Spa Baptist Church
Chandos Street
Leamington Spa
Guest Speaker: Jeremy Rawlins
Crown Prosecution Service - Policy lead on confiscation and money laundering policy from 2002 until 2015 with CPS, representing the CPS on the Asset Recovery Board (ARB) and the Criminal Finances Board (CFB).
Jeremy Rawlins will address the local UN Association and speak on the operation of the UN Convention against Corruption and refer to some international cases and the operation of the Convention in the context of assisting in the training of partner agencies overseas, mutual legal assistance, confiscation and the ways in which assets can be returned for use in country to aid international development and eradicating poverty.
Jeremy worked for the CPS from 2002 to 2015. Since leaving the CPS, he has worked as a consultant and also for the FCA and Barclays, dealing with financial crime policy issues and has undertaken a number of projects, including advising on legislation and preparing a manual with supporting documentation for prosecutors on confiscation and money laundering as a part of an EU funded project in Kosovo. He undertook the 2016 Financial Action Task Force (FATF) mutual evaluation of the United States of America as the legal advisor.
From July 2013 to April 2015, he was the principal proceeds of crime legal advisor for the CPS, responsible for setting the benchmark and the framework within which the CPS delivered its proceeds of crime work. His recommendations for changes to the Proceeds of Crime Act were accepted by the Government and were included in the Serious Crime Act 2015.
Until April 2015, he was the UK Camden Asset Recovery Informal Network (CARIN) and Asset Recovery Office Forum representative and has taken part in seven international mutual evaluations on behalf of the OECD, the UN, MONEYVAL and the FATF. He has worked in over 40 countries with colleagues from nearly 60 countries on proceeds of crime issues.
There will be a Ploughman`s Lunch and coffee/tea (£3.50 per head) from 12:00 pm till 2:15 pm and the meeting starts at 12:30 prompt.
Please do come along and bring a friend!