event details
5 Greengate
Cardale Park
We are delighted to welcome Andy Walker of SURE Insulation to our “hotseat” on Monday 11 February 2019.
Andy is a super-insulation expert who has developed a set of novel techniques for improving existing houses to ‘Near Passive House’ standards. Andy is driven by the extreme need to reduce energy use and thereby reduce carbon emissions. The latest IPCC report has made it dramatically clear that human existence is threatened unless there is a rapid descent to zero carbon emissions. He also states that 11% of UK domestic home dwellers suffer from fuel poverty (SDG1 and SDG7) and shockingly, this rises to 23% of single parent households (SDG5).
Andy points out that the task is too great for current insulation companies to tackle and that their design targets are nowhere near ambitious enough. He has a vision of empowering community groups to learn the skills through his workshops – called Housewarming Parties - so that it can become possible to super-insulate a large number of homes in a short time.
Andy’s challenge is to rapidly reach a larger audience to start the transformation of the UK housing stock as soon as possible.
This workshop will be held at the offices of Primeast Ltd in Harrogate. Arrive 6pm for a 6.30pm start and 8.30pm finish.