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UNA Harrogate: Monday 9th September Carbon Literacy Challenge

Tami Pein and Natalia Phipps presented at UNA Harrogate with a challenge relating to their new Carbon Literacy training course. Carbon Literacy is defined as: “An awareness of the carbon dioxide costs and impacts of everyday activities, and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis.” After designing their own Carbon Literacy sustainable behaviour change course, they sat in the hot seat at UNA Harrogate to present their two challenges.

1. How could they implement their new Carbon Literacy course in Yorkshire effectively to reach organisations that would benefit from sustainable behaviour change?

2. What structure would make the Carbon Literacy training financially sustainable?

Tami and Natalia benefited hugely from the experience. The discussions made them think about their what their USP is and which organisations they could partner with. Since their time at UNA they have developed a strategy for their outreach plan and are still talking to many attendees from the meeting who are offering their support. Look out for Tami and Natalia's Carbon Literacy training around Yorkshire!